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Smart Video Sunglasses, Straight Outta Mission Impossible

Smart Video Sunglasses, Straight Outta Mission Impossible

by Stephen BrownJanuary 14, 2014

Pivothead sunglasses lets you stream video,capture audio, 2 way communicate with friends, and connect via Wi Fi.

Already one of the most intriguing combinations of wearable  technology available, Pivothead glasses just got a little  bit more cool. As if something right out of Mission Impossible, the glasses  allow you to live-stream video, take snapshots and control filming remotely with a smartwatch or mobile device.

PivotHead features a 1080p HD camera integrated between the lenses, 8-megapixel Sony sensor and 44.1 kHz microphone. The memory capacity has been doubled to 16GB, which Pivothead estimates is ample for about two hours of 1080p footage. With the help of Bluetooth 4.0 LE, the glasses now offer wireless capabilities such as remote control via smartphone or smartwatch and video upload.

The Live Mod adds Wi-Fi and live streaming capabilities. Instead of simply filming footage for later view, wearers can share real-time POVs with Web and mobile app viewers.  Pivothead shows some very intriguing  ideas like streaming  your everyday adventures, or sporting events. Of course, if you’re doing something trivial  like fighting hi tech criminals threatening national security, you could do that too.

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About The Author
Stephen Brown
Stephen Brown @SteveBTech is a Technology Entrepreneur, & Int'l CES Judge. Along with being the founder of DigiLyfe, and Nubby.co, he is the founder of DigitalAfro.com, & StemStars.org an organization that teaches K-12 Students Science & Technology.

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