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VIDEO Real Life Technology Predicted by Star Trek Over 50 Years Ago

VIDEO Real Life Technology Predicted by Star Trek Over 50 Years Ago

by Stephen BrownFebruary 11, 2016

It’s no mystery that Star Trek was way ahead of its time. Technology items such as the cell phones, blue tooth, tri quarters, iPads, and dozens of other gadgets can be seen in  raw form during  the series over 50 years ago. So here is our list of things you might not have known came from  the crew of the Enterprise.

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About The Author
Stephen Brown
Stephen Brown @SteveBTech is a Technology Entrepreneur, & Int'l CES Judge. Along with being the founder of DigiLyfe, and Nubby.co, he is the founder of DigitalAfro.com, & StemStars.org an organization that teaches K-12 Students Science & Technology.

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