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Get Ready for these Amazing Smart Pets… Coming Soon!

Get Ready for these Amazing Smart Pets… Coming Soon!

by Stephen BrownAugust 21, 2018


Bandai, the creator of the original Tamagotchi, has announced another big move into the world of electronic animal care/robotics with Smartpet — a robot dog that uses your iPhone as a brain. Controlled via a free app, Smartpet will react to your touchscreen gestures with over 100 facial expressions, and you can make it do tricks by voice commands or movements in front of the Facetime camera. As the pet gets more emotionally attached to you it’ll learn more reactions. SmartPet  has complete integration with the iPhone allowing it to do 2 way video calls.

Bandai says it expects to ship over 200,000 units in the space of a year. Meanwhile, the app will be released on March 31st in english & other languages. You can purchase SmartPet on Ebay for $132.00  however the dogs are so new the user interface is still in Japanese. You can purchase the dogs here on Ebay


Apologies, The Demo Videos are so new they’re only in Japanese


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About The Author
Stephen Brown
Stephen Brown @SteveBTech is a Technology Entrepreneur, & Int'l CES Judge. Along with being the founder of DigiLyfe, and, he is the founder of, & an organization that teaches K-12 Students Science & Technology.

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