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South Korean Scientists successfully destroy cancer with magnets

South Korean Scientists successfully destroy cancer with magnets

by Stephen BrownDecember 9, 2012


In South Korea, scientists used a magnetic field to get cancer cells to actually self-destruct. The body removes old, defective, and infected cells through the process of programmed cell death (PCD), or apoptosis. In apoptosis, the rejected cell responds to certain signals sent by the body by fragmenting. Immune cells then consume these fragments. The magnets help trigger apoptosis. When apoptosis fails, however, rejected cells divide uncontrollably, developing tumors.

Magnets Induce Apoptosis

Professor Jinwoo Cheon of Yonsei University in Seoul and a team of scientists conducted experiments on bowel cancer cells using magnetic fields to induce apoptosis. They attached iron nanoparticles to antibodies, which bind to “receptor” molecules on tumor cells. These molecules cluster when the magnetic field is applied, triggering the “self-destruct” signal and thereby apoptosis. In the experiment, over half of the bowel cancer cells were destroyed when the signal for apoptopic clustering came into effect. Untreated cells remained unaffected and unharmed.

Big Pharma’s Response?

In a related experiment, the scientists performed the same therapy on zebra fish, which caused them to grow unusual tails. More trials are in the works.

“We have demonstrated that apoptosis signaling can be turned on in-vitro (in the laboratory) and in a zebra fish in-vivo (living) model by using a magnetic switch,” say the scientists.  “Our magnetic switch may be broadly applicable to any type of surface membrane receptors that exhibit cellular functions on clustering.”

The study is to be published in the journal Nature Materials.  One must wonder how this form of therapy—one that does not, as of yet, line the pockets of Big Pharma—will develop in the world of traditional medicine. Drug manufacturers (literally) bank on perpetual sickness, and cancer drugs have shown time and again to worsen tumors.

But regardless of any potential alternative treatments, big pharma will continue to push these dangerous ‘solutions’ on the public. Even while numerous cancer-fighting foods like turmeric, ginger, garlic, papaya leaf extract, berries, and many more exist, the pharmaceutical industry and mainstream medicine won’t recognize these as solutions.

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About The Author
Stephen Brown
Stephen Brown @SteveBTech is a Technology Entrepreneur, & Int'l CES Judge. Along with being the founder of DigiLyfe, and, he is the founder of, & an organization that teaches K-12 Students Science & Technology.

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