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What Insiders Are Saying About The Apple iWatch. The Comments Might Surprise You

What Insiders Are Saying About The Apple iWatch. The Comments Might Surprise You

by Stephen BrownMarch 4, 2013



Apple’s  iWatch may get its unveiling at the end of this year


Big news in the product sector, according to Bloomberg, Apple is seeking to introduce the  iWatch as soon as this year. Insiders also report that Apple has roughly 100 people working on the project and growing.

The iWatch or (The Wearable Video Device) as it is coined, may end up being the most anticipated hardware device for Apple since the iPad, and more profitable than Apple’s other rumored new business, the television. While the television business is saddled with high costs, the watch business boasts  higher margins and growth.

Bloomberg noted that Apple has filed 79 patents that contain the word “wrist,” including one recently for a “wearable accessory device” that would display video, and indeed more patents showing off an iWatch-like device continue to pop up.

The Verge, meanwhile, is reporting that the purported iWatch will run a full version of iOS, rather than a variation on the stripped-down operating system in the iPod Nano, versions of which have been used in watch designs.

An iWatch would help to offset slowing growth in Apple’s key iPhone business, which faces increasing competition from the likes of Samsung Electronics. Samsung is set to debut its own flagship Galaxy S4 in less than two weeks, which should eat into Apple’s momentum in the smartphone business.

Apple CEO Tim Cook has been criticized by some for not bringing out new products fast enough. With many eager to see Apple’s iTV, the iWatch, due to lower manufacturing costs could reach the market first.

The iWatch May Be Coming as Soon as this Year

The iWatch may be coming as soon as this year

The iWatch may be coming as soon as this year




This illustration comes from a recent Apple patent application describing a “wearable video device.”

(Credit: U.S. PTO/Apple)

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About The Author
Stephen Brown
Stephen Brown @SteveBTech is a Technology Entrepreneur, & Int'l CES Judge. Along with being the founder of DigiLyfe, and, he is the founder of, & an organization that teaches K-12 Students Science & Technology.