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Experimental Resin Allows Broken Bones To Be Healed In A Couple Days

Experimental Resin Allows Broken Bones To Be Healed In A Couple Days

by Stephen BrownJanuary 9, 2016

A new fracture healing putty being tested at the University of Georgia, shortens the bone healing time from months to mere days; with the inflicted person being able to get up and move about in a matter of  hours. Researchers are testing  adult stem cells that produce silicone enzymes which helps bone regenerate on a cellular level.

The fracture putty is just one of the possible methods being researched by scientists to accelerate the bone healing process. Some include 3D Printing a structural supports for  the broken bone.  With thise innovations, broken bones may one day, literally, be a thing of the past.

Silicone Bone cells begin to merge within a couple hours, full restructuring of the cells within 2 weeks.


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About The Author
Stephen Brown
Stephen Brown @SteveBTech is a Technology Entrepreneur, & Int'l CES Judge. Along with being the founder of DigiLyfe, and Nubby.co, he is the founder of DigitalAfro.com, & StemStars.org an organization that teaches K-12 Students Science & Technology.

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